Low cost cars for rent in Sunny Beach
Where can you pick up low cost car in Sunny Beach?

Sunny beach is the biggest and most popular sea resort in Bulgaria. It is very preferred by visitors from all over the world. You can easy organize your trip by renting low cost car in Sunny Beach. Low cost cars offers various car classes, makes, and models in perfect technical condition. We suggest to arrange your booking in advance. The car can be booked and picked up from our office in Sunny Beach. During the active summer season is the demand is very high and is always better to have your booking in advance. Make fast and safe reservation on our website or contact our booking department: + 359 886 00 21 21. All rental offices near Sunny Beach can be seen here.
Low cost cars offers reliable car hire service in Sunny Beach
If you are already in Sunny Beach or plan to do so you can fast and easy rent a car directly from our Low Cost Cars office. Rented vehicle will help you to reach easy and fast the excellent beaches in Sunny Beach and the resorts nearby. Our office is situated at convenient spot so you can easy pick up your car from it, but for your comfort we service delivery to every single hotel in the resort and area.
Why renting from Low Cost Cars in Sunny Beach?

A few reasons why renting with Low Cost Cars is your best choice
- Convenient office location;
- Diversity of cars – make and models at very affordable prices;
- Hotel delivery;
- Additional extras